The Internet Changes the World
The innovation I decided on was social media. In the last few years social media has boomed. We have outlets like instagram, twitter, facebook just to name a few that millenials use as a way to say what they feel with little judgement. Despite the negative impact it has had on society social media can be helpful in the way that people can connect with their friends even when they are seperated by distance. Also social media has alowed people to become more cultured and understanding. In a way you can say that social media has influence a generation to become more understanding of one anothers forms of living. Also there have been countless situations where social media has saved lives. For example there was a a group of snowborders got lost in the swiss alps. By using twitter they were able to find each other. I find that this innovation is very useful in this day in age because of the way we can connect with one another. I can send a message to someone in China and they will recieve that message within seconds.
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