Thursday, June 8, 2017

Class Evaluation

  1. Throughout this year I have had a lot of fun mixed with some serious moments of course. We had to study for the AP exam which was very time consuming, but because it was such a small class we went through it very fast. Also I feel like we all bonded because it was such a small class.
  2. At the top of my head there isn't much I didn't enjoy about this class. Obviously, I didn't like doing some of the more tedious assignments. Other than that I enjoyed everything else in the class.
  3. For next years AP course I would recommend showing demonstrations of more sights that you can use to create the performance tasks. I would also spend more time practicing the multiple choice.
  4. A highlight for me in the class was learning new skills about computers. It definitely interested me enough to continue studying computers in college. I have even thought about making a career out of it.
  5. I believe if I understood the material more I would have done better. I know that if I really wanted to excel in computers I would have to take a computers class in college.
  6. I haven't had as much free time as I'd wished. I would like to say that I have been reading it everyday but I have had to cut it down to once a week. I know that eventually once I have more free time I will get back into my life planning notebook but I just can't find the time to do it.
  7. I know that I am not perfect but with dedication I can reach anything. This is why I arete is something I will live by the rest of my life. I want to be a good writer and a good person. I am learning new things everyday so I know that eventually I will reach excellence. 

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